
Dental Implants

General Dentistry & Cosmetic Dentistry located in Reno, NV


Dental Implants services offered in Reno, NV

If you’ve lost some or all of your permanent teeth, dental implants can restore your smile and reduce the risk of gum recession and bone loss. At Double Diamond Dental in Reno, Nevada, general and cosmetic dentist and sleep apnea specialist Michael A. Morgan, DDS, and his team work with the area's best oral surgeons to coordinate dental implant placement. Afterward, the team restores the implants with crowns or implant-anchored dentures. Call the office to request a dental implant consultation or book online today.

Dental Implants Q&A

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are metal posts that an oral surgeon places into the empty sockets where your permanent teeth used to be. The posts integrate with your bone after placement, providing a base for crowns or implant-anchored dentures.

At Double Diamond Dental, the team coordinates placement with the area’s best implant specialists and oral surgeons. Afterward, they cover your implants with custom restorations, transforming your smile.

What are the benefits of dental implants?

Dental implants offer various benefits, including:

  • Confidence
  • Convenience
  • Durability
  • Improved oral health
  • Clearer speech

Dental implants also make it easier to bite and chew. Since the posts fuse with your jaw, you don’t have to apply adhesives like dentures. Therefore, they don’t slip or move out of position.

What does getting dental implants involve?

At Double Diamond Dental, getting dental implants takes several visits spaced over a year.

If the team determines you have enough bone to support dental implants, they schedule an implant placement procedure with a nearby endodontic specialist. After the implant operation, your mouth heals for between three and four months.

When the implants finish fusing with your jaw, you return to Double Diamond Dental. The team takes impressions of your mouth (and the dental implants) and sends them to a dental lab. The lab creates a set of dental crowns or implant-anchored dentures.

When your crowns or implant-anchored dentures are ready, several weeks later, you visit Double Diamond Dental for the last time. The team attaches your restorations to the dental implants and checks your bite. Then, they polish your teeth and explain how to keep your implants in optimal condition.

How long do dental implants last?

Dental implants can last a lifetime if you practice good oral hygiene. The team at Double Diamond Dental recommends brushing your teeth twice daily, flossing regularly, and visiting the practice every six months for preventive teeth cleaning. 

You should also take steps to prevent damage. Avoid bad habits like nail-biting and opening packaging with your teeth. If you play sports, like football or hockey, wear a mouthguard.

To see if you can benefit from dental implants, call Double Diamond Dental and make an appointment or book online today.